We live in a society that is fascinated with all that surrounds celebrity. It’s not always a healthy obsession we will admit, but nonetheless a little celebrity obsession seems to dwindle in all of us. Some of us may just be curious, others drawn by envy, or is it that we simply just want to know how the other half lives? Today, the desire to know what our favorite celebrities are up to has surpassed the boundaries that Mr. Bogart or Mrs. Monroe ever could have imagined. We as a society seem to feel it is our right to know, and if celebrities didn’t want their private lives invaded, they should have become mailmen. After all, it’s a small price to pay for fame and fortune…..and hey, who are we to argue?
Enter CelebIntel.com. Stage right. We too love the entertainment world, we love everything about it. The fashion, the scandals, the feuds, we simply can’t get enough. So myself and two close friends built this site, as kind of a one stop shop to glance in on all that is entertainment. We work passionately to keep all of our news current and up to the minute. If you need to know what crazy thing Jennifer Lawerence just said, or your thirsty for the latest in one of Bieber’s arrests, then you have come to the right place. Once here, feel free to drop by our online store, we have an amazing selection of entertainment related merchandise at incredible prizes.
Entertainment news is our business, it’s yours too. Hey, did you hear about………………